theatrical_muse 213 - Forster Quote

Jan 16, 2008 15:10

"There's enough sorrow in the world, isn't there, without trying to invent it."
-- E.M. Forster, A Room With A View.

Look, I'll be honest - this world blows chunks. Sometimes. Most of the time. There are things about it that don't make a shizzload of sense. Things that make people go mental. Things that make people never want to leave their house or apartment or shack in the woods ever again. There are things that have always been around, gnawing their sharp, unholy teeth into the hearts of people everywhere. (I love happy topics).

You know what the worst part is? The fact that most of it is created by other people.

Like, with Mark and Vanessa. Sure, Mark might not have wanted to raise a kid or be a dad or do any of that. But then say something. Don't randomly let the fact that you're moving out and leaving your wife slip out like it's just another day at the friggin' watering hole. Or coffee machine. Whatever's your preference.

I don't know how Vanessa took the news when she finally found out. I imagine she was devastated. I imagine she sat in the baby's room and just cried for God knows how long. And someone else caused that pain. Someone who was supposed to be the cheese to her macaroni for the rest of their lives. Someone who promised to do all of that crap.

The world is already effed up as it is. Why try and make it worse? Not only for yourself, but everyone else on this messed up planet. I've stopped trying to figure these things out. Stopped trying to answer those questions.

I don't think I'll ever reach a good answer.

Character l Juno MacGuff
Fandom l Movies (Juno)
Word Count l 267

theatricalmuse, vanessa, mark

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