Introductions at thetenspot_ooc

Jan 10, 2008 16:33

Holla, dudes and dudettes. I guess I could go and give you a list of ten interesting facts about me, but I could pretty much guarantee that they would be nothing interesting. Still. It could be a good time. You know what, here it goes, chicks and dicks. Enjoy.

01. My name's Juno MacGuff. I am NOT named after the town in Alaska. For one, the town is spelled Juneau, not Juno. Common error. Come on, people. Learn your geography! It's an important skill to have, homeslice.
02. Simply put, Paulie Bleeker is the cheese to my macaroni. Probably THE coolest kid who's ever come forth from a woman's vagina.
03. My parents are divorced and, like clockwork, my "Mother" sends me a cactus on my birthday every year in lieu of herself. Maternal abandonment is all sorts of fantastic, isn't it? My Dad, Mac, is pretty tubular, though. His wife, Bren, has this obsession with dogs. We don't own one, mind you. Nothing. Dream big, Bren. Dream big.
04. My best friend's name is Leah. Radical. Kind of like the chick in Star Wars. Except she doesn't wear metal bikinis while being held hostage by an oozing slug. Not a bad thing.
05. Sex in chair is actually better than it sounds.
06. A popular nickname that my Dad and Bren have for me is Junebug. Please, don't use it. It's reserved to people over forty.
07. Music and the guitar are right up there with blue slushees on my list of "Materialistic Things That I Love." And by materialistic, I don't mean shallow .. I just literally mean things made up of materials. You know. Tangible.
08. I was pregnant.
09. I'm not pregnant anymore.
10. I didn't get rid of it, though I made an appointment to get one. Something about the receptionist talking to me about boysenberry condoms and her boyfriend's pie-scented junk .. And Su-Chin convinced me not to by telling me that they had fingernails (I didn't realize. Obviously a failure at health class). Now, he's living a happy life with this woman named Vanessa Loring, who might be the raddest chick -- woman I've ever met.

It's nice to meet you.

introductions, thetenspot

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