(no subject)

Sep 06, 2006 21:37

soooo.... let me just tell everyone a couple important things:

1. k, i'm kind of afraid to just be like telling everyone about this because then if i fail i'll have to tell everyone that i failed... meh. but ok, what i'm saying is on FRIDAY, i take my Stateboard Cosmetology Licensure test. WOAH. and i am nervous. but excited. and scared. but confident. please, WISH ME LUCK.

2. apparently Tyson of Sullivan just called my sister saying they cancelled some shows, so Sullivan, the band, is going to be down here and staying with us probably by Friday night. that's SO soon, and i am SO excited for it. i love those boys, they're like my brothers. 

if you want to see their show, it is Monday, the 11th in Roseville at The Underground. Hey, if you need a ride I might even be able to help you out with that.

3. i love you all, but UCSB starts soooo soon and i'm so excited to move!

4. i registered for classes today and actually got all of the classes i wanted, at the times i wanted. NICE: appreciation of theatre, american people, history of philosophy, and some english. woooot.

basically, thats all i want to say right now. hopefully at about 2:00 PM on friday i'll have some awesome news to tell all of you about my test....
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