47th Inning

May 30, 2011 17:26

[Phone, usual drone filters:]

Awright, I had enough 'a this shit. I didn't get one 'a them letters, so I'll tell youse guys this: I've been here way too long an' been through way too much 'a this kinda nonsense. Mayfield ain't gonna give ya crap fer killin;' people or anythin' else. Ya think yer gonna go home or whatever, if ya gun down a kid or somethin'? Fat chance, chucklenuts!

I wanna role call too. Who's still alive out there an' needs help? Ema, you out there? Kallen? Sideswipe? Tsubasa? Cuba? ...Anybody?

[So, if you need Scout, he will be out on patrol and trying to help people out where he can, if you need him! If there's any threadjacking that needs to be done, Scout can be there.]

i am a goddamn mercenary after all, serious scout is serious, event: population control, the time for action is now

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