46th Inning

May 08, 2011 21:37

[Action 1: For 1451 Mitchell

When the ladies of the household wake up - that is, everyone who isn't Scout - will awake to a spotless house, a mowed lawn, a clean car and a breakfast that's started on just in time for the family to join. One might ask how Scout could get all these chores done so quickly, but his energy knows no bounds. Sure, his not!family knows this by now, but Scout is rather adept at avoiding all chores like the plague every other day of the year. Something is up, ladies.

Have I mentioned Scout has no idea how to cook? Because he doesn't. That doesn't mean he's not going to try.]

Siddown, ladies, I got it covered today!


[Action 2: For the rest of Mayfield's ladies

That energy just doesn't stop there. Are you of the female persuasion? Are you in need of help in any way? Maybe you need help carrying groceries. Maybe your cat's caught in a tree. Maybe you just look like you have a nasty headache and could use a back massage! Whatever it is, Scout is on the case. Just come up with a scenario and Scout has no choice to be right there for you.]

action, he'll regret this later, event: mother's day, hey ladies, what women want

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