(no subject)

Aug 24, 2010 10:43

Hey look! I'm not dead and just posting horrorscopes!

Heh, anyway, this weekend was pretty busy. I created a psycho Friday/Saturday schedule, of back-to-backs at both my office and with my private clients, including a straight 4-hr/30m break/1.5-hr Saturday. Though, it was fun and I was surprised at how not-so-stressed I am over it.

Sunday was a celebration of the Su-ness. So Happy Birthday psychosu!!!! I love you, you're amazing and you're looking fabulously hotter than normal!

I'm still learning to trust in the universe, in fact, I'm about to take a huge leap of faith. I finally put in my resignation, and I will be focusing completely on my company. This means my budget deficit is 100% on my shoulders, which, funny enough, I can tolerate more than relying on an outside company to help me fall short. So right now, I place my trust in the universe to put the doors there, and in me to find and open them.

And on that note, since it's been almost 24-hrs since I started this post - apparently, I needed to learn a lesson in generosity (or keeping track of my stuff).

Yesterday, I went in search of apples, which should have been a 1.5hr trip, ended up being a 5hr trip. So, lesson there, take the buses I can be sure of - namely the #30 or 33. The bus that dropped me off, never re-appeared at the stop it dropped me off. To top it off, my fresh 30-day bus pass was left on said bus. So someone got a nice donation of free bus rides. But at least I got my apples. What I'm taking from this, is use transportation close to home, keep trips within distance of the rail lines (as they are more regular) and keep bus trips limited to the buses I'm familiar with and closer to the 'wealthier' areas. I hate to say that, but the bus I took out went through the lower income areas, had a long route and had a driver that was running behind. This is the second bus that ran through the same area that I've had an issue with. I'd chalk it up to lack of familiarity, but had I had afternoon clients, I would have been screwed by that. So, going to Buckhead and through Roswell is OK. P'tree Industrial, not OK, unless I'm going a walkable distance. I truly feel for the folks that rely on those buses to get to and from work. Not being reliable = inability to hold down a job.

In other news, I want to get back to my creative side. The train/bus is helping that, since it gives me time to my thoughts. As does the walking I do, through the older parts of residential Buckhead.

Ugh, so many thoughts in my head!!!! I'll post again later, since waiting would add another day, probably. :)

friends, marta, growth

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