Apr 01, 2010 17:10
Woosh! So, Sunday is Easter. Fun tiemz. I'm really looking forward to it, mostly because I always have soooo much fun at my aunt and uncle's house. ... partly because Aunt Chrissy likes to force me to drink with her, though I'm thinking I shouldn't drink too much for a very specific reason:
I START MY NEW JOB ON MONDAY!! *beams excitedly*
It should be a pretty easy job. And it's only four days next week, about five hours each day. So... I hope it turns out good for me. Like seriously. And the bonus is that not one of those four days is on the weekend. That means I don't have anything conflicting with going to the Hetalia meet-up in Ann Arbor. *falls over in relief* I was terrified that they'd schedule me for something that conflicted with that. Thank Gott they didn't.
Tuesday is my day off. Weird day to have off, but whatevs. XD
... I think that's all I had to say. Ah well. See yas
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