Why didn't I have a title...? *retarded*

Mar 31, 2010 03:10

THERE ARE RULES THAT I FROGOT! Never mind them... >_>


- Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile".
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.

Answering some questions that  mellysandshrew gaved me. So... NYEH.

1. Suddenly! Out of nowhere! You have to up and relocate to a different country. Money is not an issue, neither is transportation or learning a new language, should you end up somewhere were something other than English is the national language. You just sort of get it all for no cost. Awesomesauce, right? Where do you choose to live?

Without any hesitation or second thoughts: Ireland. I have always wanted to live in the land of the faeries. I just... I dunno. From what I've been told, it's the most magical place in the world, and... that... is quite relevant to my interests? =D...

2. Professional or otherwise, what's your favorite piece of art?

Honestly, am not the biggest art person in the world. (Ho shit, surprise surprise...) I like pretty pictures, but... um... I fail in all things art related (at least that branch. I'm not talking "the arts" here, just "art"... if that makes sense... O_O). But... I'm gonna go ahead and say a good portion of the battleship pictures that Radojavar (I've no idea who it really is, that's who they are on dA... >_>) does are some of my favorite pieces. ~<3

3. What's your favorite

Butterfly's an insect, yeah? XD...

4. What character have you RP'd that you've found to be the most fun?

Alright, um... *headdesk*... There's a lot of them. I really just... enjoy playing characters, honestly. Any and all of them. So... I suppose my absolute favorites would be... 
Joshua Storm (just because he was always so goddamn like happy...)
Doran Reddick (bastard always makes me use a dictionary and thesaurus... wordy bugger...)
Theophilus Smith (... because he's him.......)
Remus Lupin (oh god, so much fun... XD...)
Nara Shikamaru (... genius ftw...?)
Feliciano Vargas (for the same reasons as most of the people I like playing? XD)
Gilbert Beilschmidt (the awesome mother-fucker comes easy to me... and he's crazy-fun)
Antonio Fernandez Carriedo (he's just so happy! XD and entertaining...)
Im Yong Soo (I get to claim breasts... nuff said...)

Wow... massive list was massive... WHOOPS *runs away now*

5. Why is ranch dressing so delicious?

*runs back for this last question* BECAUSE IT'S RANCH, DUH! *runs away again*


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