Hetalia Meme, GO!

Jun 18, 2010 18:41

Found this somewhere... HAVE A MEME!

1. The first character I fell in love with:
Italy. Like, instantly. XD He showed up on the screen, yelled "PASTAAA~~~!" and I just melted for him. It's actually ridiculous how quickly I fell in love with him. XD

2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Actually, Romano... Like, at first I was like, "Jesus Christ, he's an asshole, lol!" But now... Oh God, he's so cute! ... *cough*

3. The character everyone else loves that I don't:
*flails* I love all the characters on different levels??? CANNOT CHOOSE. Probably England and France though. I don't care for them AS MUCH, but they are GROWING on me, man...

4. The character I love that everyone else hates:
Umm... Russia...? Maybe? I think Russia's pretty awesome and... interesting, but a lot of people bash on him.

5. The character I want to do:
*coughs* Only one? >_> Let's go with ... um... XD Let's go with Canada. Mmm...

6. The character I'd want to be like:
Spain. Oh God, Spain. I'm kinda like him already, but... but... he's SO HAPPY ALL THE TIME, and I admire that like... so hardcore... It's what I strive to be... =D

7. The character I'd slap:
America. What? I'd slap my own country... Love him, but he's a dipshit...

8. Favorite character:
Canada... XD Though Italy, Prussia, and Spain are close behind him, with the Nordics all nipping at their heels.

9. Who are your five favorite characters?
*LOLz* Way to answer this question early, me...! Canada, Italy/Prussia/Spain, Nordics, Romano, Korea

10. Who are your five least favorite characters?
*flails* I DUNNO, MAN!

11. Which character are you most like?
I'm this bizarre mixture of Spain and Prussia.... >_>

12. What is your deep, dark secret regarding this:
I hate history... =D... Not as much anymore, but... yeah. =D

13. Pairing(s) that I love:
Uwah! GerIta, SpaMano, SuFin, DenNor, NorIce, PruCan, ... Canada/anyone >_>, FrUK, PruMano, ... Prussia/anyone...
14. Pairing(s) that I dislike:
US/UK... that's about it...

15. What are your five favorite things about your fandom?
*flails* Um... okay...

1 - The fanbase. Everybody is SO NICE around this fandom, and I adore that!
2 - The passion. Once again, this involves the fanbase, but... it's so easy to be PASSIONATE about this series.
3 - History. Used to hate it. Now, because of this, I actually find parts of it interesting.
4 - Silliness. Everything is SO SILLY and easy to understand. It's just something that can happen so easily.
5 - EVERYTHING. It's just a really great fandom, really.

random, meme

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