I am extremely blessed

Feb 11, 2007 19:22

there comes a point in your life when you r e a l i z e who
 matters, who never did, and who always will, and in the end
 you learn who is fake, who is true, and who would risk it all
 for y o u!

That is honestly my new favorite quote right now. Life is short and we spend so much time dwelling on the things we dont have and all the negative. Maybe its becuase I have this major thing going on in my life right now, or maybe I have just finally realized what is and is not important. I dont know and I dont really think it matters. I have great people in my life that CHOOSE to be there and who CHOOSE to love me. And I am honestly an extremely lucky person. My relationship with my biological mother way be fucked up and nearly nonexsistant but I have learned that ANYONE can have a child it takes an extrodinary person to be a parent. God blessed me by giving me more then one mother. Who is lucky enough to get a second chance at a family. I have taken this gift for granted for too long. I have taken my friends and their amazing gifts of love, patience and kindness for granted also. Without these relationships I dont think I would make it through my everyday. There are people with whom I obviously have a deeper relationship then others but each of my friends is important to me in their own way. I know that I dont say it enough but I LOVE YOU ALL. Each of you is important in your own way. Life is seriously gone faster then we realize and too often the people we care about are left without confirmation of how much we cared for them so this is my small beginning attempt at letting you all know how much I love and care for you. I am truely blessed to have you in my life
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