Oct 31, 2005 20:34
Apparently, the name Jessica originates from Hebrew and means "G-d sees" although I'm not sure how. It did originate in the Merchant of Venice, but was taken from the Biblical name Iscah. It can also be derived from the male name Jesse which is from the Hebrew name Yishay which possibly meant "gift". Jesse was the father of King David in the Old Testament.
So... this possibly makes me feel marginally better about my name, though in reality I sort of really detest it. I might feel better going by Iscah. Or maybe I'll just go by Kirzner. Although at this point I self define myself as a Jessica, so there isn't much I can do about it, despite it's being an awful name and growing worse to me as I complete this week's English assignment. But just because I am Jessica doesn't mean I am Shakespeare's Jessica. I can be my own Jessica. I can make the name great - right?
Oh the silly things I worry about. Maybe I'll start going by my Hebrew name, which is in fact not a name at all, but just something that my parents made up because they wanted a Joseph and got a girl instead. That's right folks - I am Josepha. But I like Joseph, and he was in my Bat Mitzvah Torah portion, and in a spectacular musical, and so I suppose it'll do. Not that it matters much. I don't really belive that a rose by any other name wouldn't smell as sweet. I think a rose is a rose is a rose, whatever you call it. Not that I am a rose. In fact, I prefer to think of myself as a human. Or, at the moment, as a strawberry - as I am currently in my Halloween costume.
OK, back to homework. Just because I don't like the assignment doesn't mean I should waste a lot of time on it.