Feb 07, 2009 19:29
Well, it's been forever since I just provided a "state of me" post, so here we go.
Life is good in general. Keeping quite busy, but that's to be expected.
I have just completed the weekly requirements for my classes this semester, so I'm ready to head into another week of class fully prepared. I love that feeling! The challenge is maintaining that preparedness as the semester progresses, March is going to be particularly difficult this year, as I have a conference and a trip to Arizona for my grandmother's 90th birthday, which both mean I loose my primary study/reading day, which is Saturday.
But that's just the class side, now I need to spend time catching up on all of my work-related stuff that didn't get done last week, most particularly performance review information for the 4 staff members I supervise. I really don't like this time of year. I know, I say this every year. And once again, I have no people I really need to call to task during this process, it's just stressful having the fate of someone else's raise in your hands (provided we'll even get raises this year, which looks doubtful).
So tomorrow gets to entail writing at least the one of those 4, the one that has to be done for Monday, when I meet with that staff member.
I also have to complete my proposal for a summer research project, which I intended to have to my adviser by Friday afternoon, but that didn't happen, and I didn't even remember I said I'd have it done until late Friday night.
Add to this fun mix the fact that it's a concert weekend! Yippee. So I lost 4 hours this morning to dress rehearsal. Tomorrow is church, then home to get my concert clothes and eat lunch and then 1-2:30 rehearsal, 3-5ish concert and then home again to continue with work. I was contemplating going to the local civic theater production of the "Man who came to dinner" tonight, but I think I need to spend at least some of the 3 hours that would have been in the theater getting other work done.
On the plus side, it got into the 40's today and is supposed to stay there through Tuesday. It feels like spring is arriving and I love it. I know we'll get some more cold weather, but right now it's nice to have the ice and snow melting away.
performance reviews,