I haven't posted in foreverz....also, a meme

Aug 27, 2009 21:04

So I'm hoping to actually use this thing again. Let's see how that goes. And to get the ball rolling, here is a meme.

Leave me a comment saying "BOILED GOOSE"
- I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
- Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

Aaaaaaaaand here's the questions Ivy asked me. Good ones, and I've taken way too long to post this.

1) What Jungian archetype best represents you?

The Trickster. When everyone wants to screw with someone, but no one has the balls for it, it tends to be me. My general world view is that everyone need to be challenged now and then in order to grow. I have a very strict attitude against this sort of thing for personal gain, but for revelry and knocking someone down a peg is another story.

2) If you could be the best at anything, what would it be?

Writing, but duh, that's my drive. If it was something OTHER than that, I would probably want to be able to play the shamisen like the damn Yoshida brothers. A mostly useless talent, but I have a little obsession with that instrument--and it's the only thing I'd want to do that seems like it could be measured competitively. You can't be the best in the world at sewing, after all.

3) What is your favorite happy song?

The song that always makes me happy is "Hard Rock Hallelujah" by Lordi. I can't not start grinning like an idiot and playing air guitar. Lordi is so over-the-top and brings a lot of the fun back to metal.

But I guess for a more traditional happy song, it would be "A Mighty Wind" from the movie of the same name. Wow, probably the most disparate songs you could possibly imagine together.

4) What would your requested last meal be?

I guess that depends. If it's in a prison, there's a limited budget for that, so fancy stuff usually gets the closest "approximations" they can come up with(I watched a special on it somewhere along the way). So you'd probably want to go with something simple but comforting in prison. Probably purple hull peas, small early peas, chuck roast, mashed potatoes, and sweet potato pie.

Not in prison though? Chicken Tikka Masala, Naan, and a mango Laasi. Heeeeeeeeeell yes.

5) Which mythology is your favorite?

URGH. That's a hard one. When it comes to the occult and ghost stories? Japanese. They have this completely ridiculous amount of monsters that really makes it clear how they ended up being the culture that gave birth to Pokemon. That, and for some reason it seems like the Japanese still have a bit of the awe and fear of the forest that harkens back to to Grimms' fairy tales, while combining it with their general view of the spiritual world. It's cohesive; some myths in Western culture can seem a bit disjointed, since Christianity and it's different rule-set jams its way onto a far older way of looking at the world. I'm trying my best to explain this, but it's difficult and I'm already talking too much.

Also, there was an article about old reports of kamikakushi I read in college that still kind of haunts me. It made it clearer why it occurred and it's sociological implications(mostly battered women running away), but also little details just stuck with you and somehow made it creepier and more real--like it was simply the insanity of staring into the abyss and the abyss staring into you. But the abyss is nature wanting to eat your FACE. *heebie-jeebies*

Coolest Gods though? Slavic(generally not enough known to really piece together a specific region). To be fair, I probably do like it a lot simply because they're kind of obscure and not much is known at all. But when you were obsessed with ancient Egypt when you were seven and Greek gods already were completely ho-hum, by twenty-three years, there's not much left. However, this also leaves a bit of free interpretation into the mix, since we're not completely sure what was made up, who was really associated with what aspects, etc. And it's just, well, different and not tainted by a bunch of hippies dancing in the forest--which is why I can't get into a lot of the myths of Great Britain in general.
Also, "American Gods" really brought them to life in a way that turned me on to them more than usual. And this is the longest response EVER.
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