Crazy, crazy, crazy

Sep 09, 2006 12:57

So I relatively recently was contacted by the maintainers of a website who wanted to translate all my fanfics into Italian to have on their site. I'm still honestly amazed by this. They're even rewatching Slayers to translate my ongoing fic for the show, and translate all the comments I get on my stories into English for me. Only two are up at the moment and two more are pending, but here it is. Bask on me and my new Italian glory:

Also, I'm super-pissed that Princess Kiko of Japan had a boy. Thanks for setting Japanese Women's Rights a few more generations back, bitch. When you know the Crown Princess had trouble popping out Princess Aiko and probably isn't going to make another, you don't fuck everything up by giving your girls a baby brother. And thank you CNN for being such enthusiastic dicks about the issue. "This will end the controversy over whether female emperesses should be allowed! Hooray!" Let's just ignore the many, many wonderful emperesses in Japanese history before that law was passed. I hate that there's an 80 percent approval rating for Aiko to become emperess, but the government's still not going to do a damn thing unless they're absolutely forced to. Why does the super-crazy conservatives get so much clout when they have an 80% approval rating for it? One of the emperor's cousins even suggested seriously that they just get a concubine to solve the matter. *headdesk*
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