Nov 05, 2002 10:40

so much for participatory democracy.

i arrive at the polls just now, only to discover that i'm not actually on the rolls and registered to vote. how can this be, i ask, i got a voter registration receipt from the RMV through the mail when i changed my address. did you visit town hall? they ask. no, i didn't know i had to, i say. i'm sorry, there's nothing we can do for you.

and of course, now i can't find the fucking receipt to see if there's some small print hidden on the back that says i have to take this to town hall to prove my COA or anything like that.

*sigh* it's not like i went to a lot of trouble to make hard decisions about vital issues, or anything like that, but i am kind of worried that the governer's race will be tight and i do take voting pretty seriously. i don't really care if i fucked up or if the state did, but i am pretty pissed off that i didn't get a chance to vote.

oh well. my vote won't matter anyway, or something like that.

politics, the man

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