Oct 02, 2009 01:29


Please post more of those drollworthy stuffs on your LJ, and just for today, I'll rent out Masamune for you

Lately it's been all up and down to me, I go all out with my energy, being cheerful / giddy and other times I'll just bomb everyone with my old grumpy granny attitude. My eyes are so tired, I can't stay in front of PC/TV for long so I'm mainly bitching on twitter through my cellphone nowadays. MSN's not helping with my mood, I can't see anyone in my contact list, I've tried everything I can find on google and re-DL the software, but the stupid messenger just.... sadasdwqed ;-;.

Kay, now completing this post with more cheerful fandom crap and less earthquake / other natural disaster because I'm sure your f-list had loads of it:

1. 358/2 : This game is a fanfiction, a fanfiction I tell you, complete with the existence of a Mary-sue character. However I am enjoying the fact that I can see Roxas in my long rides to go to school/home everyday at least for a week or two.

2. P3P : Atlus why are you doing this to me. I'm excited for this game therefore I'm now saving to buy a PSP, but somewhere in my consciousness I feel disappointed. Why Persona 3, Atlus? Why not your older ShinMegaten games to get a decent remake on PSP or DS? Like both of Persona 2???? is desperate because her broken copy of Innocent Sin

3. I can't stop drawing Spock. Someone help me. My sketchbook are now filled with Spock, Spock and more Spock to the point my lecturer told me that I'm Spocksexual when he checked my sketchbook this morning.

4. Leo-kun of Starry Sky is so freaking cute! His GOOODDD MORNIIINGGG! call is what I listen every morning because I set it to be my alarm tone. He'ssoooocute he'ssooocuteee. I want to play the in Summer and in Autumn games but my eyesssss and my internet connection /rage

Yeah, it's been slow here. Nothing big is happened except if you count the bird who dropped its shit to the top of my head, life's good still need more sleep tho.

gaming, pointless, movies

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