Sep 29, 2009 00:18

Watched Jennifer's Body while flailing on my typography report. It was OK I guess? It's your cheap teen horror movie you used to watch secretly in the middle of the night because your parents will object, only this time, the movie can has that Transformer chick inside. Megan Fox was great in the movie, I like how her bright colored wardrobe contrast her surroundings.

I think I'm pretty much indifferent to European/American horror movies (haven't seen any African movie), but give me an Asian horror movies (not gore, but the ghost-related horror movies) and I'll shit my pants. Especially local horror movies, I mean, the ghosts and the fear are relevant to my culture, it can shows up near me anytime! But Americans/European horror movie? Lol, why Dracula has to trouble himself all the way to come to Indonesia? Nonsense.

By the way guys, what's your favorite horror movie? And why?

To do list :
1. Get stamp on your student card
2. Get the lab card (b. 03 f. 2)
4. Black paper, label etc x 16 for formatting and stuff
5. Do not eat junkfood
6. Write a Devil Summoner review and short guide for guchisama ;3;
7. Finish the Kirk/Spock 8 pages draft
8. Finish the Hetalia extra page for Krisss
9. Pay the bills
10. Do not play the new KH
11. Go swim
12. Find the meaning of lyfe

Menstrual cramps force me to put Roberto's bitchy face all the time. And assignments too. I need my sleep.

pointless, school work, movies

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