Sep 13, 2009 03:30

Guys, guys. I just checked my old year book from junior high and everyone put Jesus Christ (and the other variations of his name) in their "idol" slot. Even the cruelest bitch ever, I swear that girl is the daughter of satan. I was the only one who put Tom freaking Cruise in... K, don't judge me, he was sane back then.

Anyway, I think I'm back lj-ing though like I've been bitching in twitter about 7kbps so sweet internet speed. School has started again for real for a week and I finally have things to complain and being dramatic about, also; I miss reading my flist so much.

So yeah, look! Bags under my eyes already! I hate inking so much warrrgh!?! How are you guys? Enjoying the new semester?


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