Aug 24, 2009 00:29

Watched 'Men Behind The Sun', a movie based on Unit 731's activities in WW2 this afternoon.

I puked for numerous times, screamed loudly in shock, cried in disbelief and I think I can't eat anything but vegetables for a day or two. Please refrain your sorry ass from watching this movie if you have weak stomach like me. It's a really different form of experience compared to the oh-so-sickening Cannibal Holocaust, unlike the cheesy cannibal movie, Men Behind the Sun offers depth, extremely depressing feeling into each of the scenes to emphasis heavily of how dark that time was for the powerless. Hell, even I think the most horrific NAZI/Holocaust movies I've watched all combined can't even compare with this movie in the depressing department.

The acting is good, the gory scenes are disturbingly real (rumor has it that the director used real corpses for this movie), the setting for this movie is so cold and the semi documentary format adds up the heartless effect. Sending me straight to the lowest point of mood ever. EVER.

Obvious anger and bias -also; animal cruelty- from the movie maker aside, it was a good movie, I definitely recommend it to history nerds in my f-list, but expect to be seriously disturbed by the scenes (a mild example off from youtube, yes, it's a MILD example of the whole movie).

Why the hell I watched this movie when I know reading the bits of this unit from my history books are enough to send me to the creepsville!?

hiatus, movies

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