FIC: Not this way (TPM, NC-17, Q/O/X)

Mar 04, 2004 01:33

Title: Not this way
Author: Franzi
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Qui/Obi/Xan
Warnings: Rape, dark!fic
Summary: In the darkest days of his life, Obi-Wan gets unexpected help from a familiar stranger.
Notes: Thanks to temve for the great beta! Also thanks to blucola and hellsoncidium for the helpful comments and to Smitty for nagging me to write :-)

This story appeared in the wonderful Constrict '03 zine first which has now timed out and was published - as ever year - by sian1359

The night it began, I was sitting at a table in a bar, slumped over my drink. I downed it, suppressing a cough as the strong liquor burned in my throat and chest. With a wave of my hand, I ordered another. It was the fourth or fifth, but I didn't care. It didn't matter.

Not after that night.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

I was startled by the stranger approaching me. I nodded, not looking up at him as he sat down next to me. Smiling slightly, I accepted the drink from the bartender, but kept staring down, eyes fixed on the blue liquid filling my glass.

"I can help you," the stranger next to me whispered, one hand lightly touching my shoulder. His offer vaguely annoyed me and I shrugged his hand away.

"What do you know?" I mumbled, my eyes still fixed on his glass. I flinched as the stranger gently put a hand on my chin and made me lift my head.

"I know," he almost whispered.

I looked up, staring into his face, blankly, unbelieving.

"How could you possibly?"

"Trust me, Obi-Wan, I know."

How did he know my name? I froze and finally took in the other man's appearance. He was slim, but no doubt strong, the long black cloak hiding his body. His pale face was framed by long black hair, blue eyes looking curiously at me. A scar was all too visible on his right cheekbone. The face... it looked familiar.

"Who are you?"


"Xanatos," I repeated, barely audible. "But... Qui-Gon told me you were dead."

"Oh, did he? What else did he tell you about me?"

I sipped at my drink, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

"You betrayed the Jedi. You went to fight with your father and got killed on Telos."

"I bet he wishes I did. I've been watching you, Obi-Wan. I knew he would do the same to you he did to me. I also knew you would never believe me until it happened. He abused you tonight, didn't he?"

I put my drink down and stared at Xanatos. Long seconds of silence passed, before I finally managed to say, "It's none of your business, Xanatos."

Throwing some credits onto the table, I got up and left the bar. I just wanted to get out. Out and away from him. Outside, I leaned against a wall and took a deep breath. Xanatos. So he wasn't dead then. Why did Qui-Gon lie about him? I closed my eyes and sighed as I felt a presence next to me. I didn't need to lift my head to know who it was. I hadn't really expected Xanatos not to follow me.

"It happened to me too, Obi-Wan."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Can we go somewhere to talk? I will tell you the whole story."

"Where to? You surely aren't stupid enough to believe I would go with you to wherever it is you are staying." I looked up, glaring at Xanatos.

"No, I don't expect you to trust me. Do you have your own quarters?"

"Yes, I have, but they are in the temple, of course... you would never..."

"They think I'm dead, don't they? So why should they be suspicious about a friend going home with you? Let's go."

I simply nodded before I led the way to my speeder. I didn't trust Xanatos, but I had a feeling that he was telling me the truth. And I surely didn't have any reason to trust Qui-Gon any more than him.


A smile formed on Xanatos' face as he followed me into my quarters.

"I see that nothing has changed. Still the same kind of rooms I had once. I'm surprised though that Qui-Gon hasn't insisted on sharing quarters with you yet."

I wanted to get over with this as fast as possible, so I ignored the blather and sat down on the couch before interrupting him.

"What is it you want to tell me?"

"I was thinking you might be interested in hearing my story." He shrugged off his cloak, revealing black leather pants and a black tunic, and sat down next to me, facing me.

"Go ahead then. Make it quick," I answered, my tone casual.

"Well, as you know, I too was Qui-Gon's Padawan once. Sure, I wasn't the most devoted young Jedi, I never agreed with everything the Council said - but neither does Qui-Gon. Of course, like everyone, I had a crush on my Master, but I got over it soon enough. When I came of age, he started getting interested in me. I played along, thought he was just teasing. Until the night he took me. I didn't want it, not that way. The next day, he acted as if nothing happened."

"Why didn't you tell someone?"

"Probably for the same reason you didn't either. I thought about my options, and really, who's the Council more inclined to believe? The great Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn or his rebellious Padawan? So I made plans to leave him, and fortunately, one of the next missions led us to Telos, my home planet. To cut a long story short, I joined my father's side. He got killed by Qui-Gon in a fight - I still have that scar left from it. He fought me, almost killed me, but then let me go. I never knew why. In the end, I took over Offworld, inherited my dad's assets and spent a little of my time watching you and Qui-Gon."

I leaned back against the couch, rubbing my eyes as I tried to process what I'd just been told. I had to admit that after these past hours, this didn't exactly come as a surprise to me. But what was it that Xanatos wanted from me? I turned my head, meeting his gaze.

"I don't know what you expect from me, Xanatos."

"Well, Obi-Wan, what do you plan to do? Let him abuse you until you'll get knighted?"

"No... but I can't leave him either. The Jedi, Qui-Gon, they are my life - I don't know anything else. Outside of this? I wouldn't know where to go, I wouldn't know what to do. I have to stay."

I flinched involuntarily as Xanatos leaned closer, his breath warm on my cheek.

"But what kind of life is that, Obi-Wan? Abused by your Master, getting trained just to become another one of the Senate's pets. I could offer you so much more than that: wealth, security and most of all freedom. Freedom from them, free to do whatever you want to do."

"And being on the run? From the Jedi?"

"I very much doubt they would chase us. After all, they think I'm dead... and they'd be too busy investigating Qui-Gon's case to even notice you're gone. Think about it. Join me, take revenge."

Xanatos smiled as he stood up and handed me a data pad he pulled out of his cloak.

"Here's information on how you can find me."

"How do you know that I won't give that to the Council?"

"I trust you. My offer stands. Contact me when you've made a decision."

He put his cloak back on and smirked as he bowed slightly before leaving my quarters.


I spent the following days thinking about what Xanatos had told me and about what options I had left. I met with Xanatos a couple of times, I wanted to know what he was doing now, I wanted to get to know *him*. And what I found was a man with strong opinions about everything. Including the Jedi. For the first time in my life, I had found someone who listened to *everything* I had to say, without trying to lecture.

The second night, he made love to me. It was wonderful, it was what I always wanted it to be like with Qui-Gon. He was gentle and skilled. He made me scream with pleasure, and most of all, he made me feel loved. Loved and acknowledged.

Yes, he was a rogue. But did that really matter? If being a rogue meant to be free... free from the Council, free from the Senate, free from Qui-Gon - then what was still keeping me in the Temple? I had someone to turn to, I wasn't dependent on Qui-Gon anymore. The only thing I had left was hope. Hope that it wouldn't happen again, that it was just this one time.

I was wrong.

Only a couple of nights after the first time, it happened again. He took me while I was sleeping. I woke up in pain, his cock buried inside me, thrusting against me, bringing himself to a fast climax.

It hurt, of course it did, but I didn't cry out. Of course he knew that I was awake, but he didn't care. He didn't care whether or not I hurt. I felt him tensing up behind me and shooting his semen into me. He pulled out, quickly cleaning me with a washcloth, before cradling me in his arms like he had always done when I was younger. He fell asleep while my tears were flowing freely and unnoticed by him.

The next morning, I made my decision. Yes, I wanted to leave, to join him, but I wanted to take revenge first. To get out to meet with Xanatos, unnoticed, was easy. I know that Qui-Gon always got up very early in the morning to meditate. I used that time to pack what little I had, including the rock he had once given me, and went in search of Xanatos.

Leaving surely wasn't an easy decision. It meant turning away from the Light, leaving everything behind me, all the things I knew, I had grown up with. But how could I care about the Jedi any longer? When the one who was supposed to teach me, to raise me like a father, the one who was considered a good Jedi Master, had abused me - and Xanatos - in the way he had done? No, I had to leave - but not without teaching him a lesson.

All I had to do was to meet up with Xanatos and work out a plan with him.


I smiled as I looked down on the bound form of my Master. It had been almost ridiculously easy to get him there. I had it all planned out with Xanatos. I had waited for Qui-Gon to fall asleep before injecting him with a mild anaesthetic. Within seconds, I had him tied spread-eagled to our bed, face down, a Force collar around his neck that Xanatos had procured for me. Xanatos had been waiting outside, ready to come in at my signal.

And there we were, some hours later, Xanatos kneeling next to Qui-Gon, studying his face as he woke up, confused at first, then trying to fight the bonds. I stood behind Qui-Gon, watching his quiet struggles before he gave up, realising that he was helpless. Apparently, he hadn't noticed me at that point - good, as he wasn't supposed to.

"Xanatos," he whispered. "I should have known that you would come back."

"I'm pretty alive for a dead man, aren't I, Master?"

"What do you want, Xanatos? Where is Obi-Wan?"

"What I want? Revenge. And I find it interesting that you are still worrying about Obi-Wan's health." Xanatos' voice sounded silky, his face was almost expressionless, just a slight smirk visible as he talked to Qui.

"Why shouldn't I be? He's my Padawan!"

I grinned dimly as I walked slowly around the bed and stood behind Xanatos. "Oh, am I really? I have felt more like your newest fuck toy recently."

"Obi-Wan..." The shock was visible on Qui-Gon's face as he tried to process the new situation. Oh no, he definitely hadn't expected that.

"Why so surprised, Master? Surely you didn't expect me to play nice Padawan and spread my legs for you for the rest of my life, did you?" I almost snarled at him. He looked hurt, but I didn't care. He had hurt me so much more in the past days. "I just want to know one thing, Qui-Gon. Why?"

"Release me, then we can talk and I will explain it all to you."

Satisfied, I noticed a tiny bit of fear in his voice. I have known him long enough to be able to read his emotions, even the well-hidden ones.

"Talk? Oh no, Master, it's too late for that. I want to give you one thing though, before it's time for the "pupils" to teach their teacher a lesson." I bent down, my lips gently brushing against Qui-Gon's. A last kiss before I was going to leave him. "This is how it could've been," I whispered.

I silently nodded at Xanatos, who had been watching us all the time. This was his sign to begin, and he climbed onto the bed and knelt between Qui-Gon's legs. With a smirk, he slowly began to remove his own pants.

"And this is what it was like instead," I said, my voice cold.

He didn't beg, he didn't even fight as Xanatos took him in one deep stroke. His face was totally calm, only his eyes mirrored the pain he must have been feeling. I slowly stepped over to Xanatos while I kept talking to Qui-Gon.

"You thought I would never leave you, Qui-Gon. You thought I would always need you, that you could use me. No, Master, I've found something better. I've found freedom - and love."

I didn't have to look to know that Qui-Gon had turned his head to try and see what I was doing. Smiling, I kissed Xanatos, deeply, practically devouring his mouth, sucking his delicious tongue, my hands entwined in his long black hair. And all the time he was rested inside of Qui-Gon, almost completely still, stretching him.

A barely audible, whispered "no" from Qui-Gon only encouraged me and my hands wandered down, cupping Xanatos' ass. I pushed one finger into him and he gasped into the kiss before I broke it and positioned myself behind him. My mouth on his neck, I pulled down my pants and gently pushed inside. I felt Xanatos relaxing around me, accepting my cock, moaning. I thrust into him, more confident now, pushing Xanatos even deeper into Qui-Gon.

I glanced at my former Master and saw him looking back at me, his face now clearly showing pain - both physical and from the realisation that he lost me and how he had lost me - to Xanatos.

"I hope you are enjoying the last night with your Padawans," I heard Xanatos say, almost chuckling, as he gripped Qui-Gon's hips harder and we both moved as one. It almost felt as if I was taking Qui-Gon through Xanatos, using him like he had used me. And it was a good feeling, oh so good, Xanatos' tight body around me, making me feel every move he made, every single thrust. And all the time, Qui-Gon was silent, simply taking it, too stubborn to make another sound.

I moaned and whimpered with pleasure, and then bit down on Xanatos' neck to stifle my scream as I came, the new sensations too overwhelming for me to last much longer.

I was still trembling and panting from the aftershocks when I felt Xanatos tensing and reaching his own orgasm with one last thrust. Exhausted, I pulled out of him, kissing him again, needing to taste him.

He returned the kiss, passionately, and then reached down to gently squeeze Qui-Gon's cock, stroking it, fondling his balls, intent on making him come against his will - and then I heard something I had never thought I would hear. A scream, filled with pain, frustration, humiliation. Almost primal. Qui-Gon. Breaking.

"Oh yes, scream for us. I always fantasised about this moment, Qui-Gon. The moment I would break you," Xanatos hissed as he pulled out of him.

I knelt down next to Qui-Gon and studied his face. There were tears, his eyes were pleading with me to stop this, to stay with him, but he kept silent. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost. Maybe an "I'm sorry" from his lips would have made me stay, but it never came. I touched his cheeks, wiping away one of the tears before I felt Xanatos' hands on my shoulders.

"Let's go, Obi-Wan," he whispered and I stood up.

"May the Force be with you, Qui-Gon," I said softly, before I wrapped one of my arms around Xanatos' waist and left Qui-Gon behind in his quarters.


That was only last night. By now, someone has surely found and released him.

"They should find this very interesting," I hear Xanatos saying and I look up at him to see him waving a datapad at me. I know what this is: the note for the council. Just enough clues to make them realise what Qui-Gon had done, to be sent to them as soon as we've reached a safe distance. A last gift from us to him, destroying his career as a Jedi.

I simply smile back at Xanatos as I lean back in the pilot seat of our little ship and watch the stars. I'm on my way to a new existence, finally beginning to feel truly loved - and most of all, free.

- End -

fic, fic: obi/qui, fic: qui/xanatos, fic: star wars, fic: obi/xanatos

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