FIC: Experiences (R for drug use)

Mar 03, 2004 19:27

Title: Experiences
Author: Franzi
Fandom: RPF/S
Pairing: None
Rating: R for drug reference and disturbing themes
Summary: Jon's going through memories
Thanks to davechicken and phantomas for letting me yack at them about this ;)

Going through his old diaries, organising the lot of them, Jon’s gaze falls on the first one he ever had. It’s well over nine years old now and he started it the moment he got out of hospital. The moment he got out of hospital after he overdosed on drugs.

It was the evening after he got thrown out of school at the age of sixteen and while he always knew it would happen, he felt his future was shattered. One drink followed another until he was too drunk to notice, to even care anymore. But the alcohol wasn’t enough, he needed more to numb the past years. The ongoing problems with his mother, the whole fucked up situation that was his life. Someone, he can’t remember who, offered him some pills. He didn’t know what it was and he just took them, swallowing them down with more beer.

Jon can’t remember much from the trip, just hallucinations, horrible hallucinations. He fell down the stairs and then the horror really started as he saw blood. Blood on his hands, blood in his crotch. A knife lying right in front of him, also bloodied. A horrible pain in his crotch and he doubled over, screaming in pain and terror. There were hands holding him down, trying to calm him. He fought them, nails and tooth, yelled at them that he fell on that knife and castrated himself.

Jon doesn’t know how long it went on like that, to him, now, it feels like forever and the next thing he remembers is waking up in a hospital, having his stomach pumped. It was a close call, the alcohol mixed with too strong and too many drugs almost killed him.

The next day, after he got out of the hospital, still weak and sick, he started his first diary. And swore to himself to never take drugs again.

fanfic100, fic: rpg, fic: jrm, fic, fic: theatrical muse, fic: rps

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