So I decided that I would try this challenge as I only have 6 weeks before school starts up and I am unable to sim much at all. So this challenge has to be finished in 6 weeks or less!
Note: All Pics are photoshopped with new and different actions for this legacy just because I think they are pretty!
simpurity's Bekah who is now Seana Miranda all made over.
Her itty bitty shack all amenities included :P
The first week we rolled Reaching Enlightenment as our weekly challenge so Seana as quick as possible earns those three logic points.
Grilled Cheese sim doing what a grilled cheese sim does ^^
6 hrs a day everyday for a week...
Finding true enlightenment, finding true enlightenment...
Deep breath in, Deep breath out.
First guy she meets is
hidden_kitten's Dionysus :D
She's a floatin!
And a Blind Date with
Radiationpoison's Leon O'Brien
leenyland's Absolutely Gorgeous Ariel Roberts.
She loves Grilled Cheese, now she can spread that love to the world!
I think she's chosen the Gen one co-founder :D
Dionysus even liked her talking about her beloved Grilled Cheese! :O
He is a keeper!
Serenading is always so adorable!
Seana may be a Grilled Cheese sim but she still wants to Woohoo twenty different men.
Wowa there now!
This interaction is not making it, this should be called sucking face :O
Dionysus moved in and this is the new trailer shack!
skittlebox's Amy Grant spent hours playing chess outside.
Then she comes in and steals my food >.>
Baby Makin Tiemz!
I usually fail hard at these things...
But for once I hit a break!
This week's challenge was The Quiet Family, so here is our first NPC to meet his demise!
Amy has...
No Luck.
Mail lady is the second to Die for the challenge.
This would be her third WooHoo. Hey Amy was always around anyways :P
Missed the third death but Pizza girl died by Flies.
Now we has ghosties!
Baby is on board!
I have a Romance sim who wants to Woohoo 20 different sims and a Pleasure sim who wants to have 50 first dates.
Their is alot of cheating going on in this house.
Dionysus is getting some manlove from
brilliantcat's Clorox Catruse.
I was struck by lightning in the middle of the day on my delivery run!
You did it! You killed me on purpose!
Take this!
It is time for the baby :D
So cuuute!
Seana is holding little boy Bodhi (Indian for Awakens)
Dionysus is holding little boy Accalon (Lover of Morgan le Fay in Arthurian Legend)
Thanks for reading!