Dec 31, 2009 11:58
i had to shovel the sidewalk and driveway totally unexpectedly this morning. either the weather people totally dropped the ball on this one, or during my time off i have not paid much attention at all to the weather forecast. i blame the weather people. if they had done their job properly i'd have heard about the snow. so either they didn't forecast it, or they didn't properly "warn" the public. yes, definitely the weather people's fault.
today squid's friends will be coming over to play games and drink and eat until the wee hours of tomorrow morning. at least that's the plan. sometimes they act all old, get grumpy, and leave early after not playing many games. the pregnant one get's a pass. she won't be attending anyway as her husband will be out with family or friends, i can't remember which, she being due in about a month should not be out on a night like tonight tends to be anyway. i have tons and tons and tons of laundry; of which i've managed to wash one load so far.
to get ready for the guests the following needs to be accomplished within the next few hours.
in no particular order:
01. fill the gap around the bathroom window with expanding foam insulation.
02. wash a billion, or more, ton of clothes and put them away.
03. dust and vacuum the first and second floor.
04. buy a bunch of stuff from the grocery store.
05. clean the bathroom.
06. pick up the living room and dining room.
i think that's about it. oh, maybe we should prepare the food and stuff like that.
plus squid was called due to a cancellation had her dentist appointment moved up to right now. this is not as bad as you may think as i tend to be much more efficient and motivated when i work alone. this might have something to do with my introvert tendencies. i probably should get back to work as time is a-wastin'. crap i think i hear the squids car. i better look busy.
to-do list,