To follow up with this, I'm going to try and do my best as a Californian to help let the Texas state senate know that calling a second session to push SB 5 through is just not a good idea in the least.
I would also like to express my thoughts on
the Supreme Court rulings of DOMA/Prop 8 since they could have done more to end this particular conflict so that we can focus on other problems that the LGBTQ community face in terms of the law. (The only one currently that springs to mind are all of the places that have no protection from workplace discrimination and those that don't enforce those particular laws.) And, just, seriously? Leaving something as important as this in the hands of the states? Did they miss the fact that California of all places took this particular right and put it to a popular vote? RIGHTS ARE NOT PUT TO A VOTE. THEY JUST AREN'T. And, of course, there will be those states that will have to continue to be dragged kicking and screaming in the new millennium. Quite frankly, I'm tired of this fight. It should just be one of those situations where federal law both trumps and informs state law, so that gay marriage can be legal nationwide. Honestly, this doesn't seem like such a huge task or particularly hard decision, especially since marriage is an institution that's being constantly redefined on all levels.
Don't get me wrong, this is a good step and it's beyond phenomenal that non-hetero marriages are recognized as marriages at the federal level! It means that I can go to France and marry some lovely and come back with a proper husband! And that's wonderful.