I'm sure by now that most of you all have heard that there was a shooting in a Connecticut elementary school that's killed 27 people, 20 of them children under 10 years old. And I'm sure you're all pretty much
echoing this Onion article because seriously fuck everything why am I even on this planet.
Thankfully, there are people like President Obama that can be eloquent and classy about this alarmingly common sort of tragedy. My thoughts and condolences are with the families and loved ones of those lost as well.
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And if there's any sense of justice in this country maybe this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back when it comes to reforming our gun laws and the surrounding gun culture. Because really, the last time I checked there aren't any state militias to be a part of, let alone any legitimate reason to be a civilian and own assault weaponry. Mind you, at this point I think the only guns that ought to be on the public market are hunting rifles and such, you know, the stuff that is actually used to benefit people and whose users tend to actually understand how to use them properly and approach the whole thing with a modicum of respect. That and fuck hand guns.
Just fuck hand guns. And that's not even going into the fact that there are already supposed to be background checks into the mental health of folks legally obtaining guns, I have so much psych major rage in me right now.