May 25, 2007 03:56
Saw the thrid Pirates today, it was pretty sweet until the last half hour or so when it started to drag, if the length was for plot development it would be different, but it wasn't. Whatev, can't wait for Transformers, the trailer kicked ass, and the ubergeek in me started to squeal at the preview for the Golden Compass, one of my favorite trilogies ever, hopefully they do a good job on it.
Probably have a job at Kohls, but apparently it's a two week hiring process which sucks.
I've been home for only a week, but it feels like forever, I miss CC so much, can't wait to live at Sigm a CHi next year, no RA's, don't need to be on the meal plan, I just hope the added freedom and independence doesn't go to my head (i.e. party too much, never getting things done) since I already screwed up second semester this year, if I have any hope for a decent grad school I really need to get ym act together next year, fucking I have three more years of school and already I've bitten myself in the ass, big surprise Frank, you really love to underachieve...