Jan 06, 2008 02:51
I figured I might as well make a few resolutions.
1. Read more (both for pleasure and for class)
2. Learn more
3. Try to write some things
4. Make short films (year of shorts?)
5. Vote
6. Get my car fixed
7. Get a job or two
8. Find an apartment
9. Don't kill anybody
10. Watch more films
11. Save money
12. Practice more with Acousticlast and Treffpunkt Deutsch
13. Clean my room more than twice every four months
Well alright.
So Obama and Edwards owned Hillary in Iowa and then apparently ganged up on her at the debate. And although President Huckabee is a frightening thought, I thought it was funny that Ron Paul did better than Giuliani, providing further evidence for my hypothesis: Rudy Giuliani is a douchebag.