Oct 07, 2005 08:57
Okay, so I'm back. It's been a long time since I left a post on here about my life itself...
So anyway, the whole thing with Eugenio finally cleared up, sort of. There was a big lawsuit about him wrecking my home, and he tried to countersue because I kicked his ass all those times afterward. He ended up getting some shitty lawyer, and I represented myself. Until I went up on the stand, that is. That's when my friend Dustin stepped in. He's new to being a lawyer and such, but he's effective enough to question one witness. Hell, he passed the BAR, and that's good enough for me. Eugenio ended up having to pay me just under a million dollars, which of course, he could afford. Fuckin' crazy ass bastard was loaded. Especially at the time of the crash. So on the way out of the courthouse, Eugenio loses it and attacks me. So there's a big brawl out there, both of us landing our fair share of punches. And by fair share, I mean my unleashed fury of a thuosand blows, and his limp wristed attempts at a hit. The cops pulled us off each other, and the last I heard, Eugenio got deported. Turns out he was a nation hopping idiot that decided to start shit a bit too far from an Italian Embassy. So he's out of here, and I guess he can't enter the States again for a good many years. It was great though, I even got a letter from President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, stating that he hopes Eugenio didn't lower my opinion of Italy itself. Hell, I never cared about Italy all that much one way or another. It's a place that I would go if I felt like it some day, you know? Italy, to me, is like Nebraska. I know of it, but it doesn't interest me.
So anyway, with my gigantic settlement, I bought a new RV. A much better one, like you see owned by the rich families that never go anywhere, but they buy it just to one-up the people down the street who set up a tent in the back yard for their kids. It's got a built in big screen, four beds, dividers to make a bunch of rooms, solar panels for when I don't feel like paying extra at a campsite(not that I can't afford it now...I invested a good amount as well, so it's making me money all the time.) It's a fuckin' dream come true for a traveling man such as myself.
Tonight, I'm going to be spending one last night in Orlando. Yes, the work for the case took THIS DAMNED LONG. I just got my settlement four months ago, and the RV three weeks ago. Christ, it's been like, what, two years or more since that bastard rammed my place.
So now I can finally bid adieu to Admiral Chuck, and all those other shits. I still haven't fully gotten over his self-appointed status as an Admiral... He can't even swim.