(no subject)

Feb 17, 2005 16:20

I started cruising through stoner communities a few minutes ago...it seems that there are no cool smokers in the communities. At fucking all. They're all a bunch of lame ass high school kids that think half an ounce is a lot to buy at a time. Fucking losers. I mean seriously, who the fuck do they think they are, calling themselves stoners, when they only smoke half an ounce a month. I used to buy it by the half pound, until I was forced to move away from my connection. Soon, I will be back into that same groove, and not have a sober moment. And let me tell you...when you get so blazed you can't move, only one thing has pure motivation written all over it: Soul Calibur 2. Or Soul Calibur on Dreamcast. Either one. Unless it's on PS2, whereby I say fuck it and watch Harold and Kumar. Because SC2 on PS2 is SHIT. Fuck Heihachi in his gay anal ass. XBox or the Cube, or no SC2, got me? Spawn, with his lightening quick axe skills, or Link with his flawless grabs... Fuck this, I'm gonna go scrape some res and kick some ass.
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