Well well well...

Apr 27, 2003 22:07

First up, my weekend.

I went on a mad rampage with ixpaintmepunkxi over the weekend. In case no one knew, she is Asian, and we all know just how much Asians love cheetos.

Anyway, we were walking around the city with a group of people, including Travis and Admiral Chuck. Admiral Chuck started yelling at random people, and we were all getting really pissed. I mean seriously, what kind of fuck demands that every passer-by and animate thing (i.e. things that move independently) salute him and answer him as "sir". Finally, ixpaintmepunkxi busted out with "Fuck you, sir. We've had enough of your homoerotic gay tendencies of gay anal sex with gay guys' anuses." Then she pulled out some Majin Buu powers and turn the crowds into Cheetos and ate them. I told her DBZ kinda sucks, and she was like "Fuck that, they stole the Majin Buu idea from me!" Then she tried to change me into a bag of Cheetos, but I was like "Ha, you can't beat me, I have the power of Munchos!" and I threw a big bag of Munchos on the ground. It got really huge and I flew on it like a surfboard as I had a big ki-blast battle with her. It ended up a tie, after many interesting things happened. Then we laughed and each went home.

Okay, so the mystical shit didn't happen, but imagine it did?

Well, it IS true that ixpaintmepunkxi, like most Asians, loves Cheetos. And if she could have turned people into Cheetos, she would have.

Oh yeah, and she stabbed a few random people in the face and ate their flesh in the middle of a crowded street corner.

Today I got to see Laura a little, and we wandered around various malls and stores just being bored. It's starting to suck hanging out with Laura, because I want her so bad and she wants nothing to do with me. At least in that sense. At least she's nice enough to drive me around, considering my home/mode of transport is kind of...upside down and surrounded by police tape. At the risk of sounding uber-weakened by this girl, I'd say there's something special...but it's one way.

In other news, I recieved a comment from Rob Weyman himself, of Mall Monkeys fame, about my April Fool's day thing, in response to www.mallmonkeys.com being down. (Visit it or suffer the fate of skinny dumps)

What happened was, to make a short story shorter, I visited on April Fools, and got an error message. Said message lasted a while. I got pissed thinking it was the joke itself. So, as promised, here is my retraction: Instead of skinny dumps on Eric Drobile and Rob Weyman's heads, the skinny dump is tranferred to the "head" of the server they were on.
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