lasciami dimenticare.

Apr 30, 2009 23:18

Two new layouts i made a few mins ago :D the second one is better when you wanna show more than one post.
I wanted a LJ-style layouts for my blog, but couldn't find one, so i made one! It's really simple, just like the LJ basic ones.
Mmmh and if you don't like the background, as i think, you can change it. But please CREDIT. somewhere.

vr.1 code ; preview
vr.2 code ; preview
I was looking over this blog and i noticed i only post when i don't go to school or i haven't. ..and in fact, tomorrow i won't xDDD it's holiday! it's the Workers Day.

I watched "The Gladiator" last night.. what can i say, i wanna marry Maximus Decimus Meridius. That's it. <333

template splinder

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