cause the hardest part of this, is leaving you.

Apr 27, 2009 15:05

I'm getting crazy with this stupid css ò_ò as you can see, i changed the layout and the header. But i don't like the font style and colour, and i don't get to change them! i'll fix it someday, now i don't have much time.
Lots of things happened these days :)

On friday i went to the street team meeting with my friends. After school we went to McDonald's and ate lots of junk food x) we caught the bus and went to Pescara where other girls were waiting for us; then we started filming the video for the "Stop Stalking" fan-action (you can see it here) ..and, i must say, i'm really proud of how it came out <3 we're the best! <3 apart from being a Tokio Hotel fan as they are, i love my street team friends. I laugh so much when i'm with them, and i feel like they understand me.

ahaha let's not comment his new hairstyle, the pic says it all xDD *rotfl*

Yesterday me and my family went to a new big shopping centre, much bigger than the one in my city, and much better. Better shops, better cafès, better everything. x) i bought three simple t-shirts, a Bambi one ♥ and some clips for my hair. All lovely. We ate at Burger King (i know, i'm eating lots of rubbish these days u_u) .. there isn't one around here, so it was my first time at Burger King. And it sucks. x) I mean, it's the rough copy of the McDonald's!

Todayyy. I arrived at school and there was this big crowd outside. All the students decided not to go to lesson today, cause the earthquake made some damages in the rooms, and we're scared; plus, the Commune still didn't gives a certificate saying that the school is habitable. So we didn't go to lesson, and maybe we won't tomorrow, too.

Now some graphics, even if they SUCK. It seems i can't do a good icon anymore. I had a lot of images to work on, but when i resized them to fit in 100x100px, the quality was bad o_o' anyway i made some templates, too. Enjoy, if you can. x)

welcome to the black parade - code, example
il sorriso - code
untouched - code, example

[1] Leighton Meester.
[1] Taylor Momsen.

[6] Leighton Meester.


template splinder, journal, icon

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