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Jan 15, 2008 10:28

My body's a bit tired today. You see, I did get to the gym after work yesterday and I did get a full upper body's lifting in and I did get my 2 mile walk run in and I did get in racquetball after that. 135 minutes of exercise for this desk-job body on the first day of Duke's new Eat Right And Exercise Program. ERAE involves recording minutes of exercise and they give you little gifties along the way... incentive program. I'm thinking this recording is going to keep me wanting to put down minutes every day, so a good thing. Happy dance.

I also ran into Charlotte after that and went to Elmo's for dinner and a chat on the fly. Wasn't the plan. The veggies in my frig needed to be dinner, but ... well, they weren't and I had a nice long chat with C instead.

She was wanting to know how life is. Well, most of it is really good. My focus on me and this recommitment to the body reclamation project is working. Concentration at work is a bit off and relationship concerns... well, they abound, but reconnecting with a bunch of friends I haven't spent time with in a while and expecially with those folks who are coming to the gym and wanting to get out and walk... that's really good. It is FABULOUS to have the support of so many really good people. (C - thanks for the kind words and yes, I heard you and yes, I REALLY appreciated it... thanks also for sharing R's perspective, actually. Many thanks and hugs to you both. My world would be so much less wonderful without y'all.) Very nice to hear about the Charlotte world as well and can't wait for the CM job to go the way of the wind. :-)

OOOOooo, and Galeron is the latest addition to the weight room last night. I think he really enjoyed it, too. SWEET! Just wait until he sees how fast the ramp up is when one first starts lifting and then gets addicted to the endorphins. Heh.

It was really sweet of Griffen to come do his walk/run inside with me. It was cold and I was tired most of the day which means I feel cold faster and I really am enjoying the ease of lap counting inside all of which made me want to remain inside last night, so G came inside and walked/ran with me. We had a nice long chat and then hit the stuffin' out of a racquetball ball which was... very cathartic. :-)

Tonight I'm thinking only the walking part will happen before I head to Buckston's meeting and the viking embroidery class. I forgot materials but maybe there'll be scraps I can play with there. Hoping, cuz I just seem to have the forgetting thing happening a bunch lately. Like forgetting my ME garb for 12th Night to go dance at the hafla. Sigh. Didn't make it to that, but did have a great time chatting instead. And yes, for those folks who seem to think I've sinned by being in the ballroom after 10 .m. in my jeans ... I did go up and take off the layers of wool, etc. after the last court as I'd been sweating at that point for over 12 hours and my body could not take it anymore. The folks I wanted to see were just inside the ballroom, including most of the folks dancing, so that's where I sat. I hope those I care about forgive me for having forgotten my evening garb, but still wanting to be near them.

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