whistle while you work, so hard, all day

May 06, 2010 23:21

Don't get me wrong -- I love my work. I just wish it were a little easier to get through.

I thought I made the test fair and straightforward. I thought I made it a bit too easy, in fact. It turns out that I was wrong -- so far the class mean is in the low 70s. That's acceptable, but I would prefer it to be higher, especially since the midterm scores were so low.

The thing is, I thought that many of my questions were not only about important parts of the course material that they should have studied and learned, but were also about general knowledge that they might have known anyway. Here's a fill in the blank question:

#. A fiction film that parodies a documentary is called a ________________.

Answer? Mockumentary. I'll bet most of you were able to make an educated guess, even if you weren't sure about the answer.

Here are a few of the answers I got:

- wish documentary
- inspirational narrative
- screwball
- science fiction
- true story

Yeah. o_0 is my reaction, too. I especially love that last one -- a fiction film can otherwise be known as a true story. *headsdesk*

Today I'm grateful for my stomach. It is an infinitely tolerant organ that is also incredibly low maintenance. I would be a thinner but much unhappier person if I had an average person's stomach instead of my industrial strength model.

I am also thankful for colored pens. I love grading tests with my red pen (I grade papers with pencils because I might change my mind about a comment). I bought my red pen years ago, and every time I whip it out I feel powerful. Actually, I wish I had been even more assertive and chosen a bold tip instead of the fine one I have now. Once this one runs out...
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