happy day!

Sep 22, 2007 23:33

I woke up ecstatic today.

You read right: ecstatic. It had been storming since mid-afternoon yesterday, and I fell asleep to the sound of rain hitting the pavement, and the occasional slide of a car across slick surfaces. I love rain. Someday I will again live in a place where it rains more frequently than in LA.

That started me on a productive day. ( Read more... )

lj, food, procrastination, ernestine, creative, home, silly, singing, friends, school

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Comments 19

curiouswombat September 23 2007, 13:21:01 UTC
We have rain on an average of 188 days a year. But I still like to listen to the sound of rain on the windows - especially if I am tucked up warm in bed.


framefolly September 23 2007, 15:33:53 UTC
So jealous! I'm even jealous of your icon :) .

I grew up in Taiwan, and the sound of rain on banana leaves and the wind through the bamboo forests? My eyes tear up when I remember them....


curiouswombat September 23 2007, 16:08:34 UTC
kazzy_cee made the icon - and some similar ones too, it's snaggable if you credit her. Aha! here thy are - she tags her icons very efficiently!


framefolly September 23 2007, 18:51:28 UTC
Thanks! Oooo -- pretty....


blue_aardvark September 23 2007, 13:50:00 UTC
What a cute song! I could see that being sung in a Disney movie!


blue_aardvark September 23 2007, 14:11:39 UTC
Scratch the Disney movie. The rime threw me off. When I thought about it more it's cute on the outside but dark on the inside, kinda like a Dorothy Parker Tootsie Pop. Kinda like you, framefolly.


framefolly September 23 2007, 15:36:17 UTC
ROTFLMAO. Oh (takes a moment to wipe tears from corner of eye and stop gasping) -- that's the best compliment EVER. I'm so proud, I might have to type it up and frame it or something.

I should show you songs#1+2. They're also cute on the outside and dark inside ;) .


blue_aardvark September 23 2007, 16:24:37 UTC
Yes please!


snarkyghosts September 23 2007, 18:01:23 UTC
cute song. I like it.


framefolly September 23 2007, 19:04:33 UTC
Thanks! Sorry about the really horrid recording -- but thanks for listening/reading!

Hope your kittycats are kissing your toes :) . And that this school year will be filled with pleasant surprises and well-deserved satisfactions.


anonymous September 23 2007, 21:28:25 UTC
hi victoria!
i'm so happy that you had a happy day!
nice song there - although i hope i'm not reading too much into it :)
it's a lovely late September day here, you'd really appreciate its particular charm....
more later,


framefolly September 23 2007, 21:38:41 UTC
Hey Fauna!

Would you mind not using my real name here in the future? Just for that practically non-existent modicum of anonymity ;) .

Glad you like it! As with I Hate Blue Sky and Nice Guy, I don't think I could have completed this song without having gotten a certain kind of ironic perspective from the experiences that inspired it. As much as those songs made use of a persona, this one combines threads from my life, my sister's life, and the Spike/Buffy relationship, while not being representative of any of them. I just really like how I finally found a melody that didn't sound TOO monotonous, but did have that whining and obsessive quality I wanted to match the lyrics. Making my voice break over and over on octave leaps is also really fun ;) .

It's a lovely Sept day here, too. There are no unlovely days here. I hope I won't end up hating lovely days...Sorry -- getting grouchy because of big project due tomorrow that I can't make myself work on....


enigmaticblues September 23 2007, 22:50:57 UTC
I do like rain, as well. The sound of rain is one of the best things ever.


framefolly September 26 2007, 04:32:02 UTC
And those "rain sounds" CDs just don't cut it for me...

Last night I had a dream I was married to Wesley. He looked just like he does in your userpics! It was a blissful dream, but too short -- we were separated by some planet-destroying force...

Maybe we'll meet again tonight?


enigmaticblues September 26 2007, 12:07:23 UTC
Ahhhh! I am so jealous! That sounds so much better than my dream last night, which had something to do with me working for Child Protective Services and freaking out about jobs. *sigh* Oh, if only I could really marry Wesley...


framefolly September 27 2007, 03:53:15 UTC
I dunno -- I think this was a curse in the form of a blessing, since he has forever ruined me for another man....


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