happy day!

Sep 22, 2007 23:33

I woke up ecstatic today.

You read right: ecstatic. It had been storming since mid-afternoon yesterday, and I fell asleep to the sound of rain hitting the pavement, and the occasional slide of a car across slick surfaces. I love rain. Someday I will again live in a place where it rains more frequently than in LA.

That started me on a productive day. I saw a short film (according to my dissertation, a short film can be packed with as much significance as a feature) and exercised. AS, SC and I cleaned down the house -- all floors vacuumed, swept, or mopped; all surfaces dusted and wiped; dishes and laundry done and put away; and disinfected and re-conditioned Ernestine's world. SC laughed when AS cheered, "It's just like New Year's!" and I enthusiastically agreed -- "It must be an Asian thing," he said. Absolutely!

We shared a wonderful chicken-fried-rice that AS made, and I helped her to scold a downright dishonest mover who keeps not shipping her stuff here or raising the price. There were also a couple of important business calls of my own to make, and I hope that I did well. While I didn't get as far along as I would have liked on my writing project due Monday, there's still time; more importantly, I shared a leisurely satisfying Thai dinner with IM, whom I haven't seen in two weeks, even though he is arguably my best friend in LA. IM recently took a trip with my sister, and we laughed at how much they were phone-stalked -- him by his boyfriend, and my sister by me. He said that it actually helped to make the trip more fun, because it was as though we were sometimes there. Aww...

So -- I indulged myself a bit more after coming home, and played with lj's voice-post function. A cellphone is not a good recording medium for what I tried to do, but -- well, it was fun! And maybe, considering I'm self-taught, you're better off not hearing the guitar part...It's actually pretty fun to manufacture some teen-angst. For those who are curious, the lyrics to framefolly's song#3, aka "Friends:"

When I see you I tremble
I fumble with my hair
I notice your eyelashes
And try hard not to stare
You have so much to offer
I see how bright you glow
So if I really love you
Then I will let you go

I don’t want to be selfish
At least not so it’d show
The best that I can do now
Is to never let you know
I don’t tell you my feelings
My mind shuts like a door
It’s best to keep things friendly
Or I can lose you more, because

I’m your friend
(a good friend I am)
You’re my friend
(a good friend you are)
My best friend
But not today

It’s you, who has the power
To really cut me loose
You might think it’s just a phone call
But really it’s a noose
Clichés are all I think of
When I try to move on
I’d trade the Queen’s whole kingdom
If I can be your pawn, because


I tell you I don’t need you
I tell you I don’t care
I’m sorry if it hurts you
That’s something we can share
Forgive me my deception
It’s just ‘til my heart mends
I need a lot of practice
To learn to just be friends: again

I feel as though everybody and their hamsters have heard framefolly's song#1 and song#2, and again, lj's not an ideal posting medium. But if there is any interest, I can record those, too.

lj, food, procrastination, ernestine, creative, home, silly, singing, friends, school

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