Two things...

Jul 29, 2009 06:01

First, I'm obscenely late saying Happy Birthday to Cam. I'm contemplating adding some additional stereotypical Aussie things to that message, but for now it's best just to go with Happy Birthday. (Especially since he, much like me, doesn't visit here on a daily basis, and if his friends page is busy at all, it's likely this little bit will drop off and since those fucks at LJ no longer let you page back through your friends page...). Yeah. Hope it was a good one, and that you made it to the Potter place, because you will likely have some pretty harsh criticisms of it, and I would like to share in them.

Second, writing a sex scene, and hopefully doing it well enough. I'm writing, revising, re-writing, adding, subtracting.... I gotta say, it's making me crucking fazy. So, short of posting it here, to get a more realistic bit of feedback (because this is territory beyond anything I've written thus far), can I just simply ask, how much is too much? The scene itself is an extension of my oft read (128 hits, which is 4 times as many as another piece I've written that has been been actually favorited and has 2 reviews) but only once reviewed piece from earlier this year, HERStory. So, yeah... how much detail is too much, how much sensory info is just really overdone, and where do you bring the detailed part of it to an end and just finish off with ".... and then it was morning and they searched for their discarded clothing," or something (hopefully way less tacky then that) along that line?

It's kinda killing me that I'm struggling so much with this, me being the one that was once referred to as "the guy version of Dr. Ruth only way less old and creepy." I don't really have much issue with sex as a subject, either in discussion, practice or detail. I can talk fetishes with the best of them, even if I don't always know the proper name, but actually writing out the process in the context of a story where there's people involved... Words seem to be failing me.

I know there's writers out there, help me out a bit.

Also, see my musical selection? It's from an album called 'A Piano Tribute to Pink Floyd,' and is truly awesome.

cam, writing

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