Jun 04, 2009 07:03
Well, several things are on the mind today. At the forefront of it all, my little tiny niece is 20 years old today. Twenty is frikkin' old, Rosie.... Oh, and Happy Birthday (sorry, no present again this year, because your uncle is poor as all hell, but that should change by the end of Summer)
Graduation/promotion: My eldest finished middle/intermediate school last week Thursday, and will be a high school student in just two-and-a-half months. Too damn soon. Makes me feel old.
Honest-to-God Graduation: Mandy has finally been to a graduation ceremony for college, and not as a spectator. She looked awesome in her (freshly dyed) white scrubs, and all of her gold pins (Grandma's LVN pin, her NSNA pin, her NSNA presidential pin and chain, our son's perfect attendance pin, aaaaaaaaaand her RN pin). I was so happy to finally reach this point with her. And thrilled, that so many close friends and family members could be there for her as well: Her parents, her brother and his fiancee, my mother, a lady couple that have been longtime friends of her father's, and our pastor and most of his family. Congratulations, Nurse Mandy!!!
My Becky cut her hair short and has learned to use a fat curling iron and hairspray. The end result? The Alice Cullen look (and she totally pulls it off, especially with the freckles). She's also had the tips in front colored electric blue. Looks awesome.
The smalls are testing for a belt stripe next week. Mind you, not a junior level belt, but the real deal "adult" belt/stripe.
Me, well, I'm still recovering from my sleep schedule getting twisted to extreme weirdness. I think I've been asleep at 2AM for the past four nights, and three of those have been at work. Not good, but nothing I can seem to do for it. I go to bed when I get home, but am awake by 1:30PM. Whatever.
Started playing Final Fantasy VIII Monday. I'm thinking it can't possibly be as bad as I remember. Giving it another shot.
My Mistake has now been hit more times than Bard's Tale. Mayhaps I should write more cheesy one-shots, cram them together and publish them? Pfft... Like I'd know where to begin with that process.