Due to the fact that I’ve got a bit of a rhythm down for this now, I wasn’t too hurried to get a blog post up! My day goes like this:
1) Up around 10. Maybe meditate a bit. Cup of coffee.
2) Around noon, have breakfast. Usually, eggs and pork. Have second cup of coffee.
3) Snack until 7-8. Snacks are usually apples or bites of chocolate. Drink water.
4) Have dinner. Lately, it’s been meat and veg cooked in tomatoes. Easy peasy.
5) Nom on that while I play WoW.
6) Go to bed around 2-3a.
This has worked out really well for me. The last of my cravings subsided a few days in and last night, I actually craved CABBAGE of all things! Next step is getting workouts going but that’s going to be a slow thing. I really buzz on a vegetarian diet (loads of easy access carbs!) but my energy here, while not low, per se, is slow.
Outside of the crazy headache I had this morning, however, nothing but positive stuff for the last few days. I’ve noticed a couple of big changes (may be TMI if you’re super squeamish!):
1) My gums don’t bleed like they used to. This has been something that’s plagued me since I was a kid. Go anywhere near my gums and they bleed like hell. This is a pretty clear sign of inflammation and while they still bleed a bit, it’s nothing comparatively. They also don’t bleed at night while I’m sleeping anymore at all. Yes, sleeping would cause my gums to crack and bleed. They were bad!
2) My cellulite is receding. When Ryan ate paleo for a week, his stomach (which is mostly bloat/visceral fat) lost many many inches. I didn’t have that problem so I wasn’t expecting to see anything. Imagine my surprise when I caught a rear view and noticed that, not only was my cellulite less pronounced but there was less of it! Hot damn! Go go paleo!
A couple of quick pictures to fill out the post. These are both from day 5 (5/5):
Breakfast: Two eggs, two sausages and pico, scrambled.
Dinner: Kielbasa, a whole head of cabbage and three cans of stewed tomatoes, reduced down to this mess. It’s based of something my mom has made FOREVER (she’s a great throw-it-together cook as well!) and I had to have last night since I had kielbasa in the house. I have a TON of this left over! So this will be my snacks and dinners for at least a few more days!
Today, 5/6, will probably be lots of the same stuff. In fact, I’m going to go make my breakfast now! If anything changes, I’ll write about it tomorrow!
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