Another VERY productive day

May 09, 2011 22:10

WOW!!!  another very busy, very productive day.

So today's major project was to power wash the deck before I set up the whole canopy / gazebo for the summer.  Sounds easy....  HA!  Holy shit, using the power washer is a lot harder on the arms and back than one would think.

First of all, when my husband buys something he doesn't frak around.  He always goes big or stays at home...  sometimes that's a good thing, other times...  ummmmm  NOT SO MUCH.  I've actually made him return things because he's bought something with 50 bells and whistles that we don't need....  Anyway, in the case of the power washer I guess it was a good buy.

Our power washer runs on gas, not electricity.  Gas powered ones are a lot more powerful than electric, which is good but it's hard on the arms.

Anyway, so I put my little man on the bus this morning and hit the exercise bike right away.    Worked out for 45 minutes.

Then I got my other little man dressed and ready and we went outside.  I pulled the power washer out of the garage, got all the accessories and parts together....  lugged the frakking thing up onto the deck, and hooked everything up.  I had to crank (Pull cord) the frakking thing like at least 30 times before it started, I was tuckered out just trying to start the thing.  5 minutes in, I was just getting into a little rhythm and....  it died.  OUTTA GAS!    FRAK!

So of course there was no gas in the garage so I had to load my little guy into the van and go to the gas station...

Anyway, long story short, got home with a tank full of gas....  hauled the washer back off the deck to fill it up.  I could have brought the gas tank to the washer but I didn't want to risk spilling gasoline on the deck.  What a pain in the ass.  I power washed for nearly 4 hours today.  I had to fill the washer up  3 times....  each time I had to haul it off the deck, fill it, and then lug it back up the stairs.  This thing is heavy by the way.

So anyway...  I digress...  I got the deck done, the patio furniture, and the side of the house done.  YAY!

So then I got out all the canvas and netting for our gazebo and started setting it up.  I've got the top canopy on but I ran outta time AND steam so I put the side screens and canvas away and I'll finish the job tomorrow.

Now I'm watchin' the Vancouver / Nashville game....  nail biter!  GO VANCOUVER!!!!

I managed to watch and comment on another Closer episode today.  As always, comments are posted to thecloser_tv .

It's the Fat Jokes

power washer, the closer, nhl, closer re-watch, spring chores

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