Good Day

May 05, 2011 22:53

Wow, it was a good day today.

My usual routine in the morning is to get dressed in my workout clothes, take my oldest to the bus stop, and then when I get back in the house I go straight onto the bike before I get distracted.  This morning, when I was waiting on the bus, I decided to skip the workout and to take advantage of the break from the rain to do some stuff outside.  The forecast was calling for rain this afternoon so I figured I'd work out then.

So this morning I managed to do the following:

- Got the ladder and unclogged the gutters.  This was a challenge cuz my little dude was all interested in what I was doing with the ladder.  It took me a while to convince him that it really wasn't all that interesting and that he should just go play in his sandbox.

- Hauled clean backfill over to the corner of the pool area where I will be building the flower bed

- Cleaned up after my dog.... ahem....  need I say more?.  Because the kids are always running around I usually do this twice a day to be sure they don't step in a 'surprise' but it's been raining all week so I haven't made it out for my usual 'inspection' walk around the property.  So....  let's just say I had a lot of stuff to pick up...  YUCK

- raked the rest of the front lawn and picked up most of the little crushed stone that was still lying around from the foundation project.

Then my little man got home from school.  We came in for a quick lunch and then scooted back outside because it still wasn't raining and the boys wanted to play with their bikes.  So while the boys were playing I:

- Prepped my Pork Back Ribs by basting them and then putting them in the oven for 90 minutes.

- I assembled a new toy for the boys.  it's a car wash for their little hot wheels cars.  It runs on batteries and makes bubbles when they put the car in for a wash.... it's so cute
......  kept waiting for rain but it wasn't comin' so....

- went back outside and transplanted a hosta

- weeded one of my large flower beds

- came back in and started to prepare dinner.....
...  oh yeah and I did laundry today too

Dinner tonight was BBQ'd Pork Back Ribs, Corn on the Cob, and Ceasar Salad....  ummmm ummmm ummmm good!

So in a nutshell, the forecast said rain, but it never did.   Oh My GOD, it felt like I was given some sort of a 'Bonus Day' or something.... NO RAIN!  We took advantage of it that's for sure, we stayed outside ALL DAY.

I am super tuckered out but I still managed to put together some comments on Episode 11 of the closer.  it can be found at the usual spot.  thecloser_tv

Who Designed this veil! The Taliban?

doggy deposits, the closer, weeding, gutters, gardening, closer re-watch, dinner

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