Nov 29, 2004 23:57
Re: PJ Harvey @ The Forum
fjeaiorgjiorjiojioerjiowerjioer rjiorejiorejioera aa98484 athgriuajhaiohgipagta giorjaegiorjaegornaegkoerjaigojeragio;jera.
So. Fucking. Amazing.
I could see the tiny scratch on her knee.
She made eye contact with me and held it as she sang "When I'm not with you, my dreams are so very dark, when I'm not with you I dream of my hair just falling out".
I nearly died.
She played The Garden and I burst into tears.
I got awesome photos and made friends.
She opened with To Bring You My Love, as she has every other time I've seen her.
I will have to try and find a setlist. I can remember The Garden, It's You, Good Fortune, Whores Hustle (beeeaaannnsss!), Big Exit, Me-Jane, Uh Huh Her, Harder, Dress, Plants and Rags, Who The Fuck, Pocket Knife, The Letter, Horses in my Dreams, Meet Ze Monsta, Victory, Down By The Water... there were a couple I hadn't heard...
That's in no particular order.
She played for ages.
Oh man.
I love that woman so much. I wish I could keep her.