Sleep, pin, eat

Jan 16, 2006 17:11

My life at the moment:

Sleep, pin, sleep, eat, feel exhausted, pin, sleep, sleep some more, knit, pin, sleep, read, rest, pin, sleep.

Doesn't really make for the most exciting blogging in the world, does it!

As you may have gathered, I am going through a bit of an ill patch but I'm trying to keep going in a calm and measured way. Even though I'm having to rest a lot, when I'm awake I'm trying to get small amounts of work done. I am also trying not to panic about the solo show, which is currently approaching like a train down a tunnel.

Got a phone call from AN magazine last week, they had messed up my listings advert so they upgraded me to a box advert for no extra charge. That was pretty cool.

Better produce a show worth having a box advert then...

I spoke to a friend last night who explained how to make and use proper gesso. I want to make some gesso drawings for the show, so I guess I'm one step closer to achieving that. I'll try to get out to buy the materials this week: I need some boards cut to size, some rabbit skin glue and some gilders whiting. Once I've got all that, the actual application of the gesso takes about three days, one of which is fairly intensive. But I'm going to do a whole load at once so I don't have to do it again for a little while.

Got a phone call from another art friend who wants me to do a performance at her housewarming party in two weeks time. So I'm wondering if I should pull out the stops, try to get the white dress from America and debut the Red Thread performance at Elly's thing? So, can any of the Americans on my friends list receive payments by PayPal and would any of you be happy to give me your address, receive a package for me and immediately reship it to the UK? Obviously I am happy to pay for the postage although it's best if I can do so by PayPal because otherwise it gets very complicated and I'm not good at complicated right now.

gesso, pins, art, exhibiting

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