Sep 08, 2006 17:52
G.K. Chesterton talks about how Christianity was shattered at the Reformation and therefore many Christian virtues (prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice) are now found in various schools of thought without each other. He discusses how many organizations are charitable, but lacked the other virtues. Boring, huh? Yeah.
If we look beyond the Cardinal virtues and discuss the Christian virtue of sharing and corporate ownership (similar to how the church of Acts lived), I think we really hit gold. I don’t think there is any question as to the fact that Christians, and people in general, are best off living in community and sharing resources. Private property and personal ownership of material assets seems to be a selfish way of living. So, we can conclude that sharing of resources and corporate ownership is good.
I had a discussion a while ago with my father. I was saying how capitalists generally do everything out of self-interest and love to benefit themselves. And he told me that it was actually independently run companies are the ones that are most selfish. He said they were because stockholders didn’t control them. But I believe this kind of corporate ownership is a perversion, ultimately done out of self-interest. When I say that we should share everything and live in harmony together, the chaos and evil that is Wall Street is not what I am talking about. I’m not talking about benefiting on the backs of the proletariat. I’m not talking about sweatshops. I’m not talking about the military industrial complex or the prison industrial complex. I’m talking about globalization. I’m not talking about the rich getting richer and the poor getting stomped upon. I’m not talking about the dictatorships that are corporations.
I’m talking about selling our possessions and living a life of simplicity. I’m actually talking about love.