Mission 3[Open Commentlog] Uhhhh, quick, erm...question. Maybe.

Jun 19, 2010 22:17

All right.  Barricade has learned a vital lesson about trying human foodstuffs.  In that: it's all evil.  But, I'm, uhhh, nothing if not adaptable, so. I'll cope.

MANY of you have apparently been managing this...uh...human thing for a while.  So. Any tips on, like...how to manage this thing?  Like what is the fraggin' FUNCTION of this stuff on my head? Like what is with these CLOTHES things?

And why is something in my chassis grumbling?

And where's my autonav?

And....yeah. I'll shut up now.

[He expects the obligatory point and laugh. Just...bring more of those damn delicious brownies if you do!]

fml, you stay away from me ironhide, do not trust the squishies

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