--Please, continue to comment. Bash, rip, struggle against the ties that bind. Know now, as you will soon discern, that I log IP addresses. At least then I will be able to identify you in most cases. Now it is a matter of who has it in them to post at all, knowing they can no longer hide with such certainty
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Comments 24
All I wanted to do was stir up a little frustration. It got out of hand. Now it's not even funny anymore.
Oh well, have a nice life, Stuart. I hope your future is better than the past. I'm not just saying that to hide my tracks, either. If you want to fly all the way up here just to pound faces, go right ahead. I forgive you, we've been asses, myself in particular.
And to all the people who tried to use for hate-mail: livejournal is for Emo kids and boredom. Move on with your lives.
And by the way, science will never progress past death, it has reached us at every height we have risen to. And if you insist on remaining overly-optimistic: even if we find ways to cure and replace everything, you'll never have the dough to do it. None of us will.
Besides, who wants to live past 100?
--You and I have been cool in the past, do not think I have forgotten how well we once got along. So far as my wrath towards college, that is now reserved for only a few singular individuals. You may not agree with it at all, but at least I have thought on it long enough to discern between the shades of grey.
--On a lighter note, I thank you for God and unknowingly contributing the most to my well-being(if not staying my dissipating sanity). God being the most optimistic of ideas, I will not question the conundrum you have presented, merely state that I will continue hoping. I should like to live forever, one hundred years is nothing.
--Yes, I believe humans are capable of the unfathomable, made in God's image and all of that jazz.
As always, best to Stu and KT. May you find a way to forever harness that bond of love.
--On that note, I thought only of those I knew would read my negativity and I am sorry it brought you down. Nothing you deserve.
--Last I spoke to Jamie, you two were under the weather, I hope that is no longer the case. Are you well?
I never said that you couldn't respond. I expected it. I apologize for the past. One of my policies was never to get in between a g/f and b/f. But you two were broken up and she had NO interest in getting back. So I took my chances and won. If you still harbor ill will toward me then fine, just know that the fact you hold a grudge against me when you have KT is doing her a great disservice. and if it makes you feel any better she screwed me over, so Karma got me back in the end. Enjoy your life.
Changeling: The Dreaming, ever played?
--It is threatening to surpass Vampire for greatness in my eyes.
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