OOC-Information post

Jul 26, 2020 17:19

Albedo is a Testament. Even among those who know Xenosaga, Testaments are confusing. To help with this confusion, here's a rundown of just what exactly it means to be one.

First off, he's dead in his normal form. No heartbeat or respiration, no lifesigns at all. In fact, as far as any scientific equipment cares, he doesn't even exist. He is, essentially, nothing but a spirit with the ability to directly interact with the Collective Unconscious and Imaginary Space. Those two terms explain the entirety of the Testament powerset.

The Collective Unconscious is the collective wills of all sentient beings and, naturally, connects to the mind of every sentient being. By influencing this, he can freely mess with people's minds and perceptions, though his influence stops short of outright mind control. Even so, he can affect what people see and hear and, in fact, has to to be seen and heard as, when you look at a Testament, you don't actually see anything. Since they don't really have what you could call a physical form, they don't reflect light and thus don't actually project an image onto people's retinas.

Imaginary Space or the Realm of Imaginary Numbers is a nonphysical domain that exists next to and overlaps with the Physical Domain or Real Space. It's the home of the Collective Unconscious and sort of like the groundwork for everything in the Physical Domain. Thus, things in Imaginary Space can affect things in Real Space, but not vice versa and making changes in Imaginary Space can have a huge effect on Real Space. This lets him warp space to move objects without touching them and teleport. Since he exists primarily in Imaginary Space, he must be forced into Real Space before he can be harmed against his will.

info, ooc

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