OOC-relationships post

Aug 19, 2020 03:30


Rubedo bulletserenade: Rubedo is Albedo's dear twin, but their relationship is complicated to say the least. Albedo loves his other half with his entire twisted heart, but also thoroughly enjoys making him angry. He used to carry a bitter resentment toward his older twin from a choice made a decade and a half ago, but the malice has since faded and the joy of aggravating him is a simple case of him having an odd way of expressing affection. He wants nothing more than to completely unite with Rubedo so they can always be together, like they were meant to be. Overall, Albedo would give anything for Rubedo and anyone who hurts him without Albedo's permission will have an enraged psychopath out for their blood in an instant.

Wilhelm repeatsalvation: Albedo and Wilhelm are friends, though neither has managed to realize this yet. Technically, Wilhelm could be called his boss, but their relationship is more one of partners, which Albedo recognizes. Unlike most people who have had the displeasure of trying to give Albedo orders, Wilhelm can easily get Albedo to cooperate as long as their desires don't conflict. However, if Wilhelm does ask something of Albedo that he doesn't want to do, he will openly refuse and continue to do what he wants. As Wilhelm always respects Albedo's desires as he expresses them, there has yet to be a conflict between the two and most of their conversations are pleasant in nature, especially since Wilhelm is one of few people Albedo can trust to give him an interesting one. However, this doesn't mean that Albedo would hesitate to hurt Wilhelm if they were in the way of each others desires, he would do so without a thought and then act as if nothing had ever happened once their differences were settled.

MOMO magiccastermyheart_powerup: To all appearances, Albedo hates MOMO. But his views on her, like most people, can't be taken at face value. Yes, MOMO reminds him of someone he's hated since childhood and her innocence, as well as Rubedo's devotion to her, infuriate him, but the same innocence he mocks also appeals to him. The simplest way to describe his true feelings about MOMO is jealousy. He envies her ability to trust in others, to see the good in people, the way people treat her like a human rather than a tool, and, most of all, the affection and protectiveness his twin openly shows for her. That said, he also sees her as almost belonging to him. He wants to tear down the innocent optimism in her until he has no reason to envy her, she's his toy and nobody breaks his toys but him. But he won't break her, not now. Despite all of his jealousy, he knows deep down that hurting her is the same as hurting Rubedo, and the emotional instability that let him do so without care is gone.


Elizabe-Theta Buckley ergaleomancer: Albedo's opinion on Theta confuses him. On the one hand, she's a human, but on the other, she knows exactly what it's like to be shunned and treated like a dangerous tool by humanity and shares his views on the worth of society and its arbitrary rules. Despite his general lack of respect for humanity, he can't help but find he enjoys speaking with Theta and sharing opinions. As with Wilhelm, they could be considered something like friends, but Albedo's lack of first-hand experience with the concept means he completely fails to realize this. He would, however, go out of his way to help her at no certainty of personal gain simply because she interests him in ways he never thought a mortal could. There may also be some genuine emotional attachment budding there, born from the fact that, unlike most mortals, she's actually been through something he can sympathize with. However, at this point, the concept of friendship and caring beyond his brothers is still far too alien to him for him to realize that he's finally started to improve in his near total sociopathy.

relationships, ooc

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