
Aug 12, 2010 19:40

How cruel, tempting us with the very things that are rightfully ours and offering them in exchange for an unnamed price. I was told of the possibility of regaining what I've lost, but this seems rather childish, wouldn't you say? Still, certain items among this list are quite enticing. I'd rather like to regain the power to link with my other, though naturally it's among the most expensive.

Yo, Rubedo, I know you're here. These lists seem rather interesting. I'll show you mine if you show me yours~

(OOC: Albedo's list

5 Tops-Cape
10 Tops-Knife
50 Tops-URTV body
100 Tops-Mental link
200 Tops-Regeneraton
1,000 Tops-Illusion powers)

brain out of the gutter, my dearest rubedo, being a creeper, i want my stuff back

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