I survived my third week at work :0) I know I have been a bit absent recently though I have just about managed to skim through the back log of flist entries. I used to juggle full time work and fandom before so I know it is possible I thought I'd best get back into writing things again, or I never will..... Wow I have quite the todo list, lets see what do we have:
- The Mag 7 ficlet I'm 3/4 of the way through, that if I could just work out what to do with would be finished in an evening
- The half completed over long charmed/SPN crossover one-shot (that probably wants to become a series but lets at least finish this one first).
- The highlander fic of slowness that when completed may or may not make sense depending on whether I can actually pull off what I'm attempting.
- Part 11 of zero X (GW/Xmen)
- Part 6 of learning to communicate (1x2 GW)
- Part 3 of Politics and reality (3x4 GW)
- The highlander/Dr who crossover that plotbunny that keeps bugging me
- The Mag7/highlander plotbunny that is almost as annoying as the HL/DW one.
Tonight I'm going to do some of that Mag 7 ficlet. Starting when I press post. This is my nag myself post and I'll try to do at something towards at least one of the things on the list every evening, even if it is only open the file re-read it and try to come up with some ideas. Not to mention staying caught up on the flist.